Various Visual and Digital Media

Websites Designed by Joe Payne

There was a time when I dabbled in website design for friends and colleagues. The following is a sampling of those sites, mostly pre-2014, as they were when I designed them.
*Note that virtually all of the sites have now been redesigned by someone else, and do not currently contain my design work.

Scenic Designs by Joe Payne

These are mostly for fun and for historical purposes. The most recent example is from 2006. I'm not really a scenic designer, but I thought I might be one in the early '90s.

Productions include:  U Theatre - The Bakkhai, Salt Lake Shakespeare - Henry V and Measure for Measure, Virginia Stage Company - Pinocchio, Little London Dinner Theatre - Great Gardens, Beau Jest, Charlie's Monument, Weber State University - Macbeth, 42nd Street, Richard III, Another Antigone, Pirated Penzance.

Graphics and Artwork by Joe Payne

I have always been a closet graphic designer.  At one time I had a t-shirt design company with my dear friend Eric Farr. Over the years I have kept bits of the skill alive by doing projects for friends, productions, and theatres.  Some of these examples are old works of fine art as well. All date before 2010, and most before 2000.


For a few years now, a dear friend, Kyle Lewis, has been trying to get me to start a sketch journal.  He is in the middle of his 5th, I believe.  I have decided to publicly show my journal here (or the beginnings of it) as a historical exercise - for better or for worse.  Enjoy!

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